Virtually presented via Zoom Webinar
Time: 5:00-6:30 pm; this virtual lecture will begin promptly at 5:00 pm via Zoom Webinar.
Registration: FREE to view; Registration is still required.
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CE Credits: 1.5 lecture credits
This course will review the challenges associated with diagnosing and managing patients with oral potentially malignant disease and oral cancer. The seminar will focus on the latest information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of these disorders.
Thomas P. Sollecito, DMD, FDS, RCSEd is the Professor and Chair of Oral Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine and Professor of Oral Medicine in Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He is also an Attending in Oral Medicine at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and a University Associate at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He completed his DMD degree program at the University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine. He is a Fellow in Hospital Dentistry and a Diplomate in Special Care Dentistry and a Diplomate in Oral Medicine. He is a Section Editor of the Compendium Journal and served on the ADA Council of Scientific Affairs. He has authored numerous papers and chapters related to various topics in Oral Medicine.
Disclosure: Dr. Sollecito has received the Elseiver Dental Clinics Honorarium and EDIC Honorarium for Oral Cancer Monograph.
University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine designates this activity for 1.5 continuing education credits.