The University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine has the unique honor of being the birthplace of modern endodontics with Dr. Louis Grossman, the father of modern endodontics, having established the Penn Dental Medicine endodontic program.
The highly respected research environment at Penn Dental Medicine and throughout the University of Pennsylvania provides a valuable opportunity for students applying to residency programs to combine their specialty training with advanced research and academic opportunities.
Students in the residency program are exposed to the many facets of modern clinical endodontics with an emphasis on the utilization of the microscope in all types of advanced endodontic procedures, including emergency treatment, complex conservative treatment, microsurgery, pediatric endodontics, and the treatment of traumatic injuries to teeth.
In addition to the core basic science courses required for all postgraduate students, the endodontic department arranges further basic science courses related to the specialty. Clinical seminars, planned reading seminars, and an extensive guest lecture series are also part of the educational experience.
Chair and Professor of Endodontics, Director of Postdoctoral Endodontics Program, Director of Division of Advanced Dental Education
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