Welcome to the Department of Orthodontics. Since its establishment in 1916, the University of Pennsylvania Orthodontic Department has been considered to be home of one of the world’s premier orthodontic programs. Penn Orthodontics has been a leader in clinical excellence due to its strong yet diverse faculty, a highly collaborative relationship with the School of Dental Medicine, and its location within an Ivy League university and a city which is world-renowned for health care education. Combined exposure to contemporary clinical technology with fundamental concepts is one of higher education’s greatest challenges.
The 26-month postdoctoral orthodontic program achieves this objective through a strong foundation of didactic and clinical courses, which equip our residents with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide ethical, patient-centered, evidence-based orthodontic treatment. The opportunity for clinical and basic science research via close proximity to a leading dental research center further fosters the development of tomorrow’s leaders in the specialty.
Chauncey M. F. Egel Endowed Chair, Director of the Postdoctoral Orthodontics Program, Professor of Orthodontics
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Orthodontic Clinic Renovation Fund