Students should explore financial aid from outside sources to reduce the amount of loan borrowed. This page provides information on scholarship opportunities as well as internet sites that may be helpful. Students should avoid search services and financial aid consultants that charge a fee for their services. These services can be expensive and do not guarantee results.
While the Office of Student Life makes every attempt to provide current and complete financial resource information, this list is by no means comprehensive. Students should look for sources of funding based on a variety of factors including, but not limited to, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, geographic location, where parents work, etc. Programs, deadlines, and eligibility requirements are constantly changing. Please review the program links carefully. Student Life cannot assume responsibility for the information provided.
Scholarships and Loans
Federal & State Goverment Resources
Additional Resources
- Air Force Association Mike & Gail Donley Spouse Scholarship
- Ahura Scholarship for Talented Youth Zoroastrians
- Alva Appleby Scholarship
- American Academy of Implant Dentistry
- American Association of University Women
- American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA)
- American College of Prosthodontists Research Fellowships
- ADA Foundation Scholarships
- Armenian Student Association Scholarship
- Berks County Community Foundation Scholarships
- Chinese American Medical Society Scholarships
- Delaware Academy of Medicine
- Delaware State Dental Society/G. Layton Grier Scholarship
- Florida Dental Association
- Greater St. Louis Dental Society
- Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia
- Horace Wells Club Trust Fund Scholarship for residents of Connecticut- Applications are mailed to the the Students Affairs Office each year and students will be notified
- Horvat Foundation Scholarship Fund
- International Order of King’s Daughters and Sons Scholarship
- Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) Scholarship
- The Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
- Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
- LGBT HEART Scholarship Fund for the Health Professions and other Scholarship Opportunities for Members of the LGBT Community
- Maine Educational Loan Authority
- Margaret Yardley Fellowship
- Monroe County Dental Society
- National Health Service Corps Scholarship and Loan Forgiveness Program
- National Dental Association Foundation
- Open Education Database Graduate Education Scholarships
- Oregon Student Assistance Commission
- Pennsylvania Association of Community Health Centers
- Psi Omega Arthur I. Steinberg Award- Please contact PDM Psi Omega at for application details
- Raymond Joseph Harris Educational Fund- Applications are mailed to the the Students Affairs Office each year and students will be notified
- RYU Family Foundation (RFF), Inc.
- Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara
- Tylenol Scholarship Program
- Union Sponsored Scholarship and Aid
- Vermont Loan Repayment Program
- William Goldman Foundation Scholarship- Applications are mailed to the the Students Affairs Office each year and students will be notified
- York County Community Foundation Tom Adams, Jo Hunger, George LaMotte Scholarship
- Zeta Phi Beta Scholarships
- Zoroastrian Association of Greater Boston Area
Federal and State Government Scholarship and Loan Repayment Options
Military Health Professions Programs