Students from under-represented ethnicities and cultures may be eligible for outside scholarships and may choose to explore financial support from these outside sources. This page provides information on scholarship opportunities and internet sites that may be helpful. Students should avoid search services and financial aid consultants that charge a fee for their services. The services can be expensive and do not guarantee results.
While the Office of Student Life makes every attempt to provide current and complete financial resource information, this list is by no means comprehensive. Programs, deadlines, and eligibility requirements are constantly changing. Please review the program links carefully. Student Life cannot assume responsibility for the information provided.
- American Dental Association
- American Dental Education Association
- American Student Dental Association
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Scholarship
- Colgate-Palmolive and National Medical Fellowship (NMF)
- Hispanic Dental Association Foundation
- Hispanic Dental Association Foundation/Proctor & Gamble Scholarship Program
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- Indian Health Professions Scholarship Program
- National Dental Association (NDA) Foundation
- Scholarships for African American
- Special Higher Education Grant Program
- United Negro College Fund