Program Overview
The Master of Science in Oral and Population Health (MOPH) degree program is developed to answer a critical need for public and population health leaders who can inform, develop, implement, and evaluate policies that address current and future challenges in oral health with a local (national or sub-national) and global focus.
The MOPH program will contribute to the creation of future population health leaders and researchers who will have skills to produce and use evidence to inform policies, are sensitive to health equity issues, are capable of developing health policies and operationalize and act on decision-making based on transdisciplinary principles, and competent in implementing system-level changes and advocacy initiatives.
This online program (synchronous and asynchronous) provides students access to state-of-the-art information, knowledge, and skills in population health, focusing on oral health as an essential component of overall health and well-being. Students will interact and learn from world-renowned leaders in population health research and evidence-informed policies, providing a diversity of disciplines, contexts, research methods, and cultures.
Scholarships may be available.
Core Values of the Program
• transdisciplinary scholarship
• critical thinking and evidence-based informed decision-making
• collaborative and participatory approach to research and policy
• health equity and social justice
• diversity and inclusion in perspectives and decisions
• research integrity
Admissions Information
Tuition and Fees
Financial aid resources are available to qualified students. Federal financial aid is available to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.
Program Director
Alonso Carrasco-Labra, DDS, MSc, PhD
Program Administrator
Wenrui Li, M.S. Ed