Room B-13
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Registration Fee: Free; sign-in is required
CE Credits: 1.0 lecture credits
Implant therapy is a recognized treatment for edentulous areas with long term success. Nevertheless, in some critical situations we must use different techniques of advanced oral surgery and bone regeneration to permit the implant placement avoiding the damage of important anatomical structures, like the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN). In severe cases of posterior mandible atrophy we must use very specific techniques to solve the problem, like short or tilted implants or even more advanced techniques like nerve transposition, trespass and lateralization.
At the conclusion of this course, participants will be:
Dr. Raquel Zita Gomes
Dental Medical Doctor by the Faculty of Dental Medicine of theUniversity of Oporto (FMDUP)(1996-2002)
Post-graduation in Implantology in Sweden (2002)
Specialization Coursein Implantologyby FMDUP (2003-2006)
Master’s Degreein Implantologyby FMDUP(MsC) (2006- 2007)
PhD degree in the field or Oral Surgery /Implantology at FMDUP (2013-2018)
Oral surgeon (specialist in oral surgery) by the Portuguese Dental Medical Association (OMD)
MINEC (Megagen International Network of Education and Clinical Research)knight activemember, opinion leader of Megagen Portugal, KOL of DSD by Coachman, Opinion leader of Bredent Medical Group
IFZI (Prof.Lang) academy instructor, Active member of BBB (Bone, Biomaterials and Beyond) Academy.
Expert on Dental XP, Oralsurgerytube,MINEC and Dentinaltubuleseducational platforms
Invited External Teacherat Masterand Specialization Courseof Oral Rehabilitation(CESPU University, Portugal)
Private practices in Portugal dedicated exclusively to Implantology, advanced oral surgery and rehabilitation.
Mentor of professional group Follow the RED (dedicated to oral surgery), International leader of the “Divas in Dentistry Project”
Reviewer of Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research journal. Editorial board of International Growth Factor and Stem Cells in Dentistry journal.
University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine designates this activity for 1.0 continuing education credits.