Penn Dental Medicine
Statement on Inclusion

The University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine is steadfast in its commitment to support and protect all members of its community. This statement is to articulate Penn Dental Medicine’s (PDM) ongoing commitment to identify, abolish, and eliminate racism, bias and discrimination in all its forms. It is part of our mission at PDM to provide an environment that is free from threat or harassment. This includes verbal threats against individuals or groups, inclusive of but not limited to  Afrophobia, Anti-Asian, Anti-Semitism, Christianophobia, Islamophobia, Neofascism, Sinophobia, White Supremacy, Xenophobia, and all other forms of oppression and intolerance. **

At PDM, we value an environment that promotes personal and professional development, where each person feels safe, supported, and valued.  As we continue to strive for a sense of belonging and consideration of all our students, staff, faculty and patients, racism and racial discrimination will not be tolerated. Hateful, hurtful and malicious language and behavior that is reasonably likely to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate a person or group because of their religion, race, ethnic origin or sexual orientation is antithetical to our communities’ values. Anyone who makes a substantial threat will be brought before an appropriate board or committee to establish whether disciplinary action is warranted. Such behavior will not be tolerated.

As members of the PDM community, we are committed to delivering equitable and culturally competent healthcare, and we are collectively responsible for ensuring a humanistic learning and work environment that is safe, and above all empowering for all our students, staff, faculty and patients

** Any hate directed to the following identities: Racial and Ethnic, Religious, Sexual orientation, Gender, Disability and Occupation identities. 1

  1. Vergani, M., Perry, B., Freilich, J., Chermak, D., & Scrivens, R. (2022). PROTOCOL: Mapping the scientific knowledge and approaches to defining and measuring hate crime, hate speech, and hate incidents. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 18, e1228.