Penn Dental Student Elected Vice President of the AADR’s National Student Research Group

Matthew Oishi
Philadelphia – Second-year Penn Dental Medicine student Matthew Oishi has been elected to a leadership role with the American Association for Dental Research’s National Student Research Group (AADR NSRG). The election of 2014-2015 AADR NSRG officers closed on Wednesday, May 1, with the IADR/AADR Global Headquarters officially confirming the electronic results, which named Oishi vice president.
“Matt is pursuing a Master of Public Health along with his DMD. He has a wide variety of research interests, especially health policy and health economics as they affect the delivery of dental care,” says Dr. Andres Pinto, Chief of the Division of Community Oral Health. “Our Division is proud to have students like Matt who have the motivation to participate in organized dentistry and actively engaged in current policy discussions that affect our profession.”
The elected individuals begin their terms as officers-elect immediately. They will officially take office after the 2014 AADR/CADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition in Charlotte, N.C., and will serve through the 2015 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition in Boston, Mass.
The other officers elected include president, Molly Hague, University of California – San Francisco; secretary, Brett Henson, University of North Carolina; and councilor, Margaret Campbell, Oregon Health & Science University.
The AADR National Student Research Group (NSRG) is a student-run organization whose main purpose is to foster an environment in every dental school whereby students interested in enriching their dental education through research are encouraged to do so. It is composed of a network of self-governing local student research group (SRG) chapters at each dental school and is led nationally by officers elected through a majority of votes from all members.