Penn Dental Medicine Presents Inaugural Periodontal Conference

Penn Dental Medicine’s Morton Amsterdam Dean Denis Kinane, Professor, Departments of Pathology and Periodontics, was among the Conference presenters.
Philadelphia — Penn Dental Medicine presented its inaugural Penn Periodontal Conference, June 23-28, 2013. This exciting scientific program was held on Penn’s campus, drawing attendees and presenters from across the country and around the world.
The Conference featured presentations by internationally respected researchers on the latest research in periodontology within the topics of inflammation, microbiology, periodontal regeneration and repair, and the oral-systemic health connection. Other areas of discussion included innate and adaptive immunity, bone remodeling, oral medicine, disease specificity, epigenetics, stem cells, and clinical microbiology.
The scientific program was structured to encourage interaction among participants with presentations scheduled in the morning and evening so that the afternoons were free for attendees to discuss their work and the research posters of others. A total of 69 posters were presented at the Conference.
“Our goal was to create a forum for individual as well as group discussions,” says Dr. Dana Graves, Professor, Department of Periodontics and Associate Dean for Translational Research at Penn Dental Medicine, who led the organization of the Conference with Penn Dental Medicine’s Morton Amsterdam Dean Denis Kinane, Professor, Departments of Pathology and Periodontics. “There was a wealth of knowledge shared and many occasions to explore ideas and research collaborations. We hope to have the 2nd Penn Periodontal Conference in two years.”
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