Oral Medicine Faculty, Publication Receive Golden Pen Award

Drs. Eric Stoopler and Thomas Sollecito, editors of Dental Clinics of North America Clinical Approaches to Oral Mucosal Disorders: Part I.
Philadelphia — Dr. Thomas Sollecito, Chair and Professor of Oral Medicine at Penn Dental Medicine, and Dr. Eric Stoopler, Associate Professor of Oral Medicine, have been recognized by the International College of Dentists (ICD) with the Golden Pen Division 1 Award as editors of Dental Clinics of North America Clinical Approaches to Oral Mucosal Disorders: Part I.
The Golden Pen is presented annually by the ICD to the editor of a publication that contains an article or series of articles of current importance to the dental profession. Their selected oral mucosal disorders publication, published in October 2013 by Elsevier, features a series of clinical reviews by selected experts on oral mucosal disorders that commonly present in the clinical setting. The topics covered include oral fungal infections, erythema multiforme, pemphigus, mucous membrane pemphigoid, lupus, granulomatous diseases, oral lesions associated with HIV and pigmented lesions. For each condition, the authors present the epidemiology of the disorder, the known etiologies, and the presumed pathophysiology; they also describe the clinical presentation and how clinicians should formulate a differential and/or final diagnosis, and discuss treatment and management strategies.
“Our goal with this volume, as well as the subsequent Part II [published in April], is to enhance clinicians’ fundamental knowledge and ability to diagnose and treat oral and peri-oral mucosal disorder,” say Dr. Sollecito and Dr. Stoopler. “It is our hope that these collected works underscore the oral cavity as a functional unit of the whole and as a window to overall health.”
The Golden Pen Award, one of seven ICD Dental Journalism Awards, will be presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Dental Editors & Journalists, being held October 8, 2014 in San Antonio, Texas. The ICD Dental Journalism Awards, open to any English language dental publication throughout the world, are one of ICD’s longest ongoing projects – now in their 42nd year of competition.