Penn Oral Medicine Active in World Workshop on Oral Medicine

Current and former faculty members and residents of the Department of Oral Medicine at the World Workshop of Oral Medicine.
Philadelphia — Current and former faculty and residents from Penn Dental Medicine’s Department of Oral Medicine played key roles in the 7th World Workshop of Oral Medicine held in Gothenburg, Sweden, September 24-26, 2018.
Convened every four years, the World Workshop of Oral Medicine is an international conference of invited oral medicine experts who gather to analyze pertinent topics related to the discipline. Ninety-seven participants representing 22 countries participated in this World Workshop with Penn Dental Medicine faculty serving in both key leadership and advisory roles.
From the Department of Oral Medicine, Dr. Martin Greenberg, Professor Emeritus, was a member of the Steering Committee; Dr. Thomas Sollecito, Chair and Professor of Oral Medicine and Dr. Eric Stoopler, Professor of Oral Medicine, served as Consultants; and Dr. Katherine France, Assistant Professor of Oral Medicine, served as an Assistant Reviewer. In addition, through a grant funded by the NIDCR, Chief Resident Dr. Wesley Sherrell (GD’19) participated as an Observer. Several former oral medicine faculty and residents from Penn Dental Medicine also participated in the Workshop, including Dr. Scott De Rossi, Dr. Andres Pinto, Dr. Christine Nadeau, Dr. Jaisri Thoppay, Dr. David Ojeda, Dr. Sahar Mirfarsi, Dr. Juan Yepes and Dr. Juan Bugueno.