Dr. Michael Glick Named ADI International Dentist of the Year for 2021

Dr. Michael Glick
Philadelphia – Dr. Michael Glick, Executive Director of Penn Dental Medicine’s Center for Integrative Global Oral Health, has been recognized for his leadership by the Academy of Dentistry International (ADI) – named the ADI International Dentist of the Year for 2021. The award honors career contributions to dentistry, international education, and service.
In the global arena, Dr. Glick has been active with the FDI World Dental Federation since 2007, serving on multiple committees, including co-chairing the Task Team Vision 2030. He also had a leading role in establishing FDI’s Vision 2020 and most recently was the primary author of its Vision 2030, giving guidance for a global interdisciplinary and integrative role for oral health. A widely published and highly respected lecturer, Dr. Glick served as Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of the American Dental Association from 2005 to 2020.
Within academia, Dr. Glick served as Dean of the University at Buffalo, SUNY, School of Dental Medicine (2009-2015) where he remained as Professor of Oral Diagnostic Sciences before coming to Penn Dental Medicine in 2021 to lead Penn Dental Medicine’s new Center for Integrative Global Oral Health (CIGOH). The School’s first policy center, CIGOH is seeking to find creative solutions to address unmet oral health needs around the world through public policy, education, and research initiatives, collaborating across disciplines and across borders. Among CIGOH initiatives is the Integrative Global Oral Health Lectures Series that brings together global thought leaders in both oral and general health.
The ADI will present the award at its 2022 annual meeting (delayed a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic), to be held in November in San Antonio. Dr. Glick was also invited to present a continuing education lecture as part of the meeting.
The ADI is an international honor society for dentists dedicated to sharing knowledge in order to serve the dental health needs and to improve the quality of life of people throughout the world. This transnational organization is devoted to the advancement of dentistry throughout the world and to the elevation of dental standards by continuing education. There are chapters and Fellows in over 80 countries around the world.