Cochrane Oral Health Collaborating Center at Penn Dental Medicine to Present Course on Systematic Reviews, Meta-Analysis June 5-9

Philadelphia – Penn Dental Medicine’s recently established Cochrane Oral Health Collaborating Center within the School’s Center for Integrative Global Oral Health will hold its first educational program June 5-9, bringing together leaders in evidence synthesis to present a comprehensive review of how to conduct and publish systematic reviews and meta-analyses.
“Evidence summaries — systematic reviews — have become the cornerstone to informing clinical practice and policy,” says Dr. Alonso Carrasco-Labra, Director of the Cochrane Oral Health Collaborating Center at Penn Dental Medicine. “Conducting trustworthy systematic reviews requires an understanding of statistical and methodological concepts. This course will provide attendees with that knowledge informed by the Methodological Expectations of Cochrane Intervention Reviews standards.”
The course will include lectures as well as hands-on components. Attendees will learn the key steps and pitfalls when conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis, gain hands-on experience using software packages to carry out these steps, and become familiar with the essential features of the reporting and publishing of systematic reviews.
Faculty from Penn Dental Medicine as well as from the University of Manchester, UK, where Cochrane Oral Health is headquartered, will conduct the course. Cochrane Oral Health is one of the groups within Cochrane, a global independent not-for-profit network that produces systematic reviews across all areas of medicine. Since its inception, Cochrane has defined the methodological standards for conducting systematic reviews around the world and is recognized as representing an international gold standard for high quality, trusted information and methods.
Course attendees can earn a total 31.25 continuing education credits. Learn more and register >