Dr. Yu Zhang Recognized by IADR for Research, Innovation
Philadelphia – Dr. Yu Zhang, Professor in the Department of Preventive & Restorative Sciences, has been recognized for his research and innovation by the International Association for Dental Research (IADR), receiving the 2023 IADR DMG Peyton-Skinner Award. This annual award, presented by the IADR Dental Materials Group (DMG), honors scientists who throughout their careers have made outstanding contributions to innovation in dental materials. The award is named after Drs. Floyd Peyton and Eugene Skinner, two of the founders of the DMG.
With a background in physics and material science, Dr. Zhang has become a highly respected researcher in the area of dental ceramics, with a focus on zirconia. His work has involved adjusting the composition and microstructure of zirconia to make it more esthetic while maintaining its durability. He is also working on developing new protocols for ductile machining and ultrafast sintering of ceramics.
“Dr. Zhang has contributed greatly to advancing dental materials and this is well-deserved recognition of the innovative approaches he is continuing to develop that are moving the field forward,” says Dr. Markus Blatz, Chair of the Department of Preventive & Restorative Sciences.
The award was presented during the IADR/LADR (Latin American Region) General Session & Exhibition with WCPD (World Congress on Preventive Dentistry), held June 21-24 in Bogotá, Colombia.