Penn Dental Medicine’s dental education portal offers a robust calendar of LIVE online and hybrid learning opportunities as well as a library of self-paced courses that can be accessed at anytime and at the learner’s own pace.

Frequently Asked Questions
The new eLearning platform requires the learner to create an account.
Creating an Account
1. Click the “SIGN UP” button
2. Complete the fields on the PennPath form and click the “Sign up” button.
NOTE: Username is case sensitive. We recommend keeping your username all lowercase and using your email address as your username.
3. Check your email. Look for an email from and confirm your registration by clicking the hyperlinked text “Click Here”
NOTE: It is recommended to confirm your registration on a computer rather than a mobile device.
4. Sign in using your newly created user name and password.
5. Complete your profile by clicking “Go to Your Profile”
6. You are ready to register for any course.
**Penn alumni, faculty, students and staff: PennKey and PennPath authentication are two distinct systems. Please create a PennPath username and password to gain access to the Dental Education Portal.
- The Continuing Education Portal home page is organized by “Featured Programs” at the top and then by discipline in alphabetical order. The “Featured Programs” section highlights Penn Dental Medicine and Center initiatives as well as current offerings in a schedule at a glance format.
- Next to any of the discipline titles, you can expand or close the accordion by clicking on the carrot (^) icon on the right.
- To learn more and register, click anywhere on the course button image.
- To register, click on the red “Register” button. You will receive an email confirmation of your registration.
NOTE: If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to login with your username and password. - Click the “Go to Course” button then click the “Get Zoom Link” to generate an email with your unique Zoom link. If you choose not get your Zoom link at that moment, follow the Join and Learn instructions.
- Log-in with your username and password.
- Navigate to your Profile (the person icon in the upper right)
- Click on Course & Payment History
- Locate the name of the course.
NOTE: If you cannot locate the course, you are not registered. Navigate back to the course landing page and register. - Click on “Go To Course” button.
- Click on “Classroom” tab.
- To join the program live, click on “Get Zoom Link”
- Log-in with your username and password.
- Navigate to your Profile (the person icon in the upper right)
- Click on Course & Payment History
- Locate the name of the course.
NOTE: If you cannot locate the course, you are not registered. Navigate back to the course landing page and register. - Click on “Go To Course” button.
- Click on “Classroom” tab.
- Click on the image/recording populated in the middle of the screen.
- Log-in with your username and password.
- Navigate to your Profile (the person icon in the upper right)
- Click on “Course & Payment History” button.
- Locate the name of the course – Example: “Management of a Cracked Tooth: What we know and how to treat”
- If you have NOT completed the course assessment yet, click on “Go To Course Assessment” button. If you have completed and passed the course assessment, then the “Go to Certificate” button will appear.
NOTE: For courses that are free to view but payment for continuing education is required, once the course assessment is completed, you will be walked through the process of payment before gaining access to download and print your continuing education credits form. - Click the “Print” button to obtain your continuing education credit form.
- Click “LOGIN” in the upper right
- Click “Forgot my Password?”
- Enter your username
- Click on “Reset My Password” button
- Check your email. Look for an email from to collect your verification code.
- Enter the verification from your email
- Select your new password
- Click on “Change Password” button
You can update your first and & last name by navigate to your Profile (the person icon in the upper right) then click on “Edit Profile” button.
In general, the ADA CERP credits offered through our platform are approved by local Dental Boards. However, CE requirements may change at any time. Therefore, all dental professionals are encouraged to check with their state dental board to confirm the exact CE credits hours required for their particular license renewal and the total number of credit hours allowed through home study.
To pass the self-assessment, the total number of correct answers must be at least 75% of the number of questions. For a 4 question self-assessment you need to provide at least 3 correct answers while for an 8 question self-assessment you need to provide at least 6 correct answers.
As an attendee, you will require a computer with audio, a high-speed Internet connection and Adobe Flash player, which is already installed in 99% of computers.
Additionally we suggest installing the “Zoom Application” which you can download here:
Your webinar experience depends on your Internet connection speed. While most Internet connections will allow you to have an optimal webinar experience, if your internet connection speed or stability fluctuates during the webinar, your experience will be sub-optimal.
Many of our webinars are recorded. If the program will be available for on-demand viewing it will made available within 2 weeks of the live webinar. You can locate the lecture you are interested in viewing on-demand under the specialty headers below the Featured Programs.
Troubleshooting and any questions?