Research Day, ACCE Day Spotlight Penn Dental Medicine Student, Faculty Research


Philadelphia — Penn Dental Medicine recently celebrated the depth and strength of the School’s research and scholarship with two days of programing at its annual Research Day and Advances in Clinical Care and Education (ACCE) Day, held May 10 and 11, respectively.

“These annual gatherings highlight the tremendous work of our faculty and students in advancing research, education, and clinical care across disciplines,” says Penn Dental Medicine’s Morton Amsterdam Dean, Dr. Mark Wolff. “It is rewarding to see the School cultivating the next generation of clinician scientists.”

Both days included guest keynote speakers, faculty presentations, and research poster presentations. This year there were 99  research posters at Research Day (93 eligible for judging) and 99 at ACCE Day  as well (94 eligible for judging), giving students, junior investigators,  and postdoctoral researchers the opportunity to present their projects. Awards were presented each day for the top poster presentations and included the following.

Research Day Awards

The AADOCR Student Research Day Award, funded by the AADOCR, is designed to recognize the best presentation at an academic institution’s research day competition. The award consists of a complimentary meeting registration and a monetary award of $500 to assist with travel to the 2024 AADOCR/CADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition in New Orleans, LA in March. The Awardees will also be highlighted in the General Session & Exhibition Program Book and AADOCR website.

Awardee/Project Faculty Advisor
Lucas D. Wall (D’25): Comparison of Naproxen Sodium and Acetaminophen Following Implant Placement Katherine N. Theken, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


The SCADA program advances our collective commitment to empower the next generation of dental leaders. By showcasing students’ research, and recognizing their passion for discovery and innovation, we will fuel the future of dental care.

Awardee/Project Faculty Advisor
Steven Fredeen (C’22, D’25): Direct Experimental Validations of VFEM Stress Analysis of Porcelain-Veneered All-Ceramic Crowns Yu Zhang, Division of Restorative Dentistry

The AADOCR Travel Award program was launched by Penn Dental Medicine in 2014 to advance student/junior investigator research, providing funds toward their travel to the annual AADOCR meeting where awardees have the opportunity to present their work. Recipients are selected by a faculty panel of judges at Penn Dental Medicine’s annual Research Day. The following recipients were selected at Research Day 2023 and will attend and present their research at the 2024 AADOCR/CADR Annual Meeting & Exhibition in New Orleans, LA next March 2024.

DMD Student Awardees

Awardee/Project Faculty Advisor
Simran K. Grewal (D’25):

Immunomodulatory Functions of Extracellular Vesicles Released From GMSC-Derived Neural Crest Stem-Like Cells on Macrophage Polarization

Qunzhou Zhang, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Ryan J. Noseworthy (D’25): Probing Interfacial Strength and Toughness of Novel Composition-Gradient Zirconia Yu Zhang, Division of Restorative Dentistry
Lindsay H. Fisher (D’25): Effect of Aging on the Mechanical Force-Induced Bone Remodeling: Microct Analysis Hyeran H. Jeon, Department of Orthodontics
Sara Ha (D’25): Effect of Aging on the Mechanical Force-Induced Bone Remodeling: Histologic Analysis Hyeran H. Jeon, Department of Orthodontics
Kristin Lee (D’25): Effect of Intracanal Medicaments on Survival of Stem Cells of Apical Papilla Su-Min Lee, Department of Endodontics


Junior Investigator Awardees

Awardee/Project Faculty Advisor
Kantapon Rattanaprukskul (GD’23): Cellular Senescence in Periodontal Health and Disease S. Esra Sahingur, Department of Periodontics
Arjun Sandhu (GD’24): Oral Health Quality of Life (Ohqol) in People With HIV (PWH) and Depression Temitope T. Omolehinwa, Department of Oral Medicine
Yin-Chu Lai (GD’24): Relationship Between Anxiety, Cortisol Levels, Pain, and Opioid Use in Patients Following Third Molar Extraction Katherine N. Theken, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery


Postdoc Awardees

Awardee/Project Faculty Advisor
Rahul Singh: Affordable Oral Proinsulin Bioencapsulated in Plant Cells Regulates Blood Sugar Levels Similar to Natural Insulin Henry Daniell, Department of Basic & Translational Sciences
Zhi Ren: New Partners of Streptococcus Mutans in Early Childhood Caries Hyun (Michel) Koo, Department of Orthodontics
Gundappa Saha: IL-22 Is Required in Periodontal Health for Maintaining Steady-State HomeostasiS George Hajishengallis, Department of Basic & Translational Sciences



The Gail Schupak Student Research fund was established in 2021 by a generous gift from Gail Schupak D’83. The purpose of the fund was to give students access to resources for year round research projects making them more competitive for awards and fellowships both within and outside the School.  Additionally, the funds are being used for the first time this year to award two travel stipends for winners to attend AADOCR meeting in the following year.

Awardee/Project Faculty Advisor
Kelsey A. Busch (D’25): Linking Primary Cilia Biogenesis to Orofacial MSC Responsiveness to Irradiation Sunday Akintoye, Department of Oral Medicine
Charlotte Lenes (D’25): Investigating the Role of Proinflammatory Fibroblasts in Human Periodontitis and Peri-Implantitis Kang Ko, Department of Periodontics



ACCE Day Awards

Name/Project Faculty Advisor
Andres Davila: Orofacial Manifestations of Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease. N/A
Shaan Sehgal, Alternative Option For Management Of Avulsed Teeth N/A
Diana Joo, Oral Rehabilitation in a Patient with Apert Syndrome : A Case Report N/A

Award for Independent Research

Name/Project Faculty Advisor
Kyle A. Campbell (D’23): Providing Preventative Care for a Patient with CHARGE Syndrome Alicia Risner-Bauman, Care Center for Persons with Disabilities, Clinical Restorative Dentistry, Department of Oral Medicine
Matthew A. Lee (D’25): In Vitro Comparative Study Between Full-Arch Abutment Level Implant Impressions with Intraoral Scanning and Photogrammetry Systems – A Pilot Study Julián Conejo, Clinical Restorative Dentistry, Division of Restorative Dentistry

Name/Project Faculty Advisor
Rachel Kogan (D’23): Smoking Cessation Alternatives Tatyana Straus, Division of Community Oral Health
Kaylyn Hudson (D’25): A Summer at HMS Joan I. Gluch, Division of Community Oral Health
Jenna W. Hahn (D’25): Soldiers No Longer Strangers: Learning How to Serve Veterans at the VA Medical Center Joan I. Gluch, Division of Community Oral Health

Name/Project Faculty Advisor
Anthony R. Cappello (D’23): Oral Cavity Changes in Patients Previously Infected with COVID-19: A Retrospective Cohort Study Katherine A. France: Department of Oral Medicine
Mariana Peraza (D’23) and Nina Karnuta (D’23): Functional Crown Lengthening Surgeries Performed by Pre-doctoral Students: a case series Ioana Chesnoiu Matei, Departement of Periodontics
Dana Lee (D’23): Evaluation of Root Canal Treatments Performed by Dental Students Using Traditional Rotary Ni-Ti Files and XP-Shaper Files Su-Min Lee, Department of Endodontics
Dallas D. Clark (D’23): Zygomatic Implants Perforated Through a Radial Forearm Free Flap and Immediate Delivery of a Fixed Prosthesis Neeraj H. Panchal, Penn Presbyterian Medical Center, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Jhanavi Sivakumar (D’23): Case Report: Comprehensive and Esthetic Treatment of Refugee Patient Olivia Sheridan, Division of Restorative Dentistry

Name/Project Faculty Advisor
Tiffany H. Park (D’24): The Skeletal and Dental Age Advancements of Children and Adolescents with Overweight and Obesity: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Chenshuang Li, Department of Orthodontics