Hybrid Program
The event will be both in-person and on-line.
Time: 16:15 pm to 17:00 pm CET / 10:15-11:00 am ET
Location: World Health Organization, Geneva (D-building, D 06007)
Zoom Link: https://who.zoom.us/j/95757363306
Meeting ID: 957 5736 3306
Password: 3DUc@T1on
Join an exciting panel of social determinants of health experts and educators to discuss the integration of the social determinants of health into health workforce education and training.
We will hear from Professor Sir Michael Marmot from the University College London on his experience in championing the social determinants of health in medical education.
Other distinguished panel speakers will include Lujain Alquodmani, President of the World Medical Association.
Introductions and launch agenda: Etienne Krug, Director, Department of Social Determinants of Health (SDH), World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
WHO’s work on the Social Determinants of Health: Ailan Li, Assistant-Director General, UHC/Healthier Populations, Geneva, Switzerland
WHO’s work on Health Workforce Education and Training: Pascal Zurn, UHC/Life Course, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland
Key reflections on education on the social determinants of health: Professor Sir Michael Marmot, Institute of Health Equity, University College London, London, United Kingdom
Panel of distinguished speakers: Facilitated by Julian Fisher (WHO consultant) and Nicole Valentine (Technical Officer, World Health Organization, SDH, Equity and Health Unit (EQH), WHO)
Closing: Sudhvir Singh, Head, Equity and Health Unit, SDH, WHO, Geneva, Switzerland