The Penn Dental Medicine Transmission Electron Microscopy Facility features the H-7650, Hitachi’s latest transmission electron microscope developed specifically for applications in research fields such as biology, medicine, polymers, and other advanced materials. Allowing high-contrast, low-dose image observation, the H-7650 is optimized to reduce specimen damage associated with typical electron microscopy observation. A high-sensitivity digital camera integrated with the microscope enables images to be recorded, stored, filed, or transferred with efficiency and ease.
The instrument has the capability to generate automatic electron tomography with top-quality 3D reconstruction. Most functions are automated and computer controlled, allowing the stage and its positioning to be rapidly recalled, simplifying observation of specimens. The advanced lens system permits low magnification/wide field of view/high contrast image observation as well as high magnification imaging.
Other features include:
- Cryo attachment – permitting frozen protein specimens to be observed without staining for tomographic analysis of protein structure and conformation.
- Oxford Instruments Energy Dispersion X-ray analysis unit – permitting quantification of elements within specimens.
This state-of-the-art instrument is a part of the imaging resources at Penn Dental Medicine, which includes the necessary ancillary instruments within the Tissue Processing Laboratory required for the processing and cutting of thin sections suitable for transmission electron microscopy.
Dr. Wenjie Wei, Core Director