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The 30th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP 30) will be held in Belém do Pará, Brazil between November 10 and 21, 2025. It will be the first time that the Amazon, an essential biome for combating climate change, will host a UNFCCC COP.

In conjunction with COP30, Penn Dental Medicine will present the 4th Global Oral Health and Climate Action Conference. Introducing the 4th conference will be streamed live via YouTube. As part of the Penn Dental Medicine’s 3rd Global Oral Health and Climate Action Conference, there was a discussion on preparations for COP30 — those program plans follow.


15:00-16:00 (US time), 21:00-22:00 (CET time), 16:00-17:00 (Rio time)

Preparation for COP 30 Climate Conference, Brazil 2025 — what to expect. Dr. Rena Aliyeva, Azerbaijan Stomatological Association will be the keynote speaker and a discussion will be co-moderated by Dr. Claudio Fernandes, Chairman of the Innovation Agência UFF at Nova Friburgo, and Dr. Julian Fisher, Director, Oral and Planetary Health Policies, Center for Integrative Global Oral Health, Penn Dental Medicine.


  • Julian Fisher, Director, Oral and Planetary Health Policies, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
  • Claudio Claudio Fernandes, Chairman of the Innovation Agência UFF ar Nova Friburgo
  • Dr. Rena Aliyeva, Azerbaijan Stomatological Association, Azerbaijan
  • Dr. Silvio Cecchetto , President of ABCD
  • Dr. Juliano do Vale, President of CFO, ABIMO
  • Dr. Murilo Macedo, SESC Health Management,  Rio de Janeiro Region



This session is framed by US National Academy of Medicine work on sustainable oral health and how its defintion and model can guide and inform innovative in dental practice and patients care as well as a consisent approach to sustainabilty reporting standards.

Session reference: Advancing the concept of global oral health to strengthen actions for planetary health and One Health


  • Julian Fisher, Director, Oral and Planetary Health Policies, Center for Integrative Global Oral Health, Penn Dental Medicine
  • Etyene Schnurr, Fluminense Federal University at Nova Friburgo
  • Gerhard Seeberger
  • Don Louro, TELECONEX, Health Intelligence
  • Prof Ivo Kejci, Prof emeritus University of Geneva
  • Walter Raffini, METASYS

17:50-18:50 (US time), 23:50-:50 (CET time), 18:50-19:50 (Rio time)

Strengthen commitments and foster collaboration for innovation, closing with a special illumination of Christ the Redeemer statue (Rio de Janeiro).


  • Dr Claudio Fernandes Chairman of the Innovation Agência UFF ar Nova Friburgo,
  • Dr. Ricardo Amore, Curacycle
  • Dr. Regiane Marton, Head of Smiling Changes Everything Project
  • Father Omar Raposo, Rector of The Sanctuary of Christ The Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro

19:00-19:20 (US time), 1:00-1:20 (CET time), 20:00-20:20 (Rio time)

Kick-off preparations for 4th Global Oral Health and Climate Action Conference, Brazil 2025


  • Dr. Claudio Fernandes, Chairman of the Innovation Agência UFF ar Nova Friburgo
  • Dr. Julian Fisher, Director, Oral and Planetary Health Policies, Center for Integrative Global Oral Health, Penn Dental Medicine