Class of 2024

Penn Dental Medicine congratulates all of the members of the Class of 2024 as they move on to the next stage of their dental careers.

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Meet Some Students from the Class of 2024


Hometown: Cape Coral, Florida

Activities: President of Penn’s American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry (AADMD) chapter, Pediatric Honors LEND Fellow at CHOP, National Health Service Corps Scholar, Bridging the Gaps Intern ’21, and a Penn Dental Peer Mentor

What was a highlight of your Penn Dental Medicine experience? My experience overall has been memorable, as this school’s impact has allowed me to grow into the best version of myself for my future patients. Without a doubt, a highlight of my time here has been getting to serve a wide range of demographics at our community clinics, specialty clinics, and within our main clinic. It has been a joy to see the universal impact a healthy, clean smile can have on every person needing care. The reward of helping others as a student has only solidified my career choice and given me momentum going forward to continue being a beacon of light for every person that walks into my clinic.

What are your plans after graduation? I will be starting a two-year pediatrics residency at Children’s Hospital Colorado where I will be equipped to be the dentist I always dreamt of becoming; a provider with a niche for treating children and people with special needs throughout their lifetime. I will spend the first four years of my career working at a federally qualified health center with hopes to open my own practice one day.


Hometown: Morro Bay, California

Activities: Class President, Oral Surgery Honors Program, Navy Health Professions Scholarship Program, Graduate Resident Advisor

What was a highlight of your Penn Dental Medicine experience? The highlight of my experience at Penn Dental was participating in the Oral Surgery honors program. I got to work on more difficult cases in the OS clinic. Some of these cases included surgical extractions, extractions of third molars, alveoplasties, and lingual tori removal. I got experience using a scalpel, handpiece, and suturing patients back together after these procedures. It has increased my confidence in being able to get a patient numb and I learned that if I have a tough time getting a tooth out, I should try something different. I am really appreciative for the opportunity to learn from the best.

What are your plans after graduation? After graduation, I will become an active duty lieutenant in the United States Navy. My wife, son, puppy and I are moving to the beautiful San Diego, California and I will do a general practice residency for one year. My wife is pregnant with another son and she is due in early August. After my residency, I will owe four years to the Navy as a dentist.


Hometown: Oxford, Pennsylvania

Activities: Vulnerable Populations Honors; Masters in Higher Education Dual Degree; American Dental Education Association (ADEA) — Academic Dental Career Fellowship Program (ADCFP), Penn Chapter Secretary (’23 – ’24), ADEA District 3 Secretary (’22 – ’23); American Student Dental Association — ASDA Liaison to the ADA Council on Dental Practice (’23 – ’24), ASDA District 3 Trustee (’22 – ’23), ASDA Liaison to the ADA Council on Diversity and Inclusion (’22 – ’23), ASDA District 3 Chapter Liaison (’21 – ’22), Penn ASDA President Elect (’21 – ’22), Penn ASDA Pre-Dental Committee Associate (’20 – ’21), Published in February 2022 in Contour (National ASDA magazine) article titled “Interdisciplinary Thinking – Pursuing a Dual Degree While in Dental School”; Penn Dental Medicine Admissions Ambassador (’20 – ’24); Peer Success Coach (’23 – ’24); Introduction to Dentistry Summer Program Coordinator (Summer 2021)

What was a highlight of your Penn Dental Medicine experience? Clinically, it was a privilege to work with one of my longtime role models, Dr. Olivia Sheridan, in the Vulnerable Populations Honors clinic to provide free comprehensive care to very deserving patients. I was also lucky to learn with outstanding clinical faculty in my PCU. Outside of coursework, serving as an unofficial class of 2024 “creative chair” with my classmate Kristen was one of the highlights of my time at Penn. We had so much fun bringing the class together for traditions like the pre-clinic graduation video and putting together our class yearbook.

What are your plans after graduation? I will be completing a general practice residency at the Washington, DC VA Medical Center next year. After that, I plan to work in public health to fulfill my obligations with the Students-to-Service Loan Repayment Program. Eventually, I would like to return to a dental school and work in either the admissions or student affairs spaces while also teaching clinically. If I’m lucky, my role will allow me to continue practicing general dentistry as well.



Hometown: Oakland, CA

Activities: Master in Law Dual degree (DMD/ML); Honors in Clinical Dentistry; Penn Dental Medicine Exam Strategies Panel Advisor; Co-founder and Vice President, Iranian Dental Association (IDA); Chair of Advocacy Committee, American Student Dental Association (ASDA); Community Outreach Associates, American Student Dental Association (ASDA)

What was a highlight of your Penn Dental Medicine experience? Being able to participate in various extracurricular activities, such as the International Exchange program and pursuing further studies at Penn’s Law School.

What are your plans after graduation? I will be attending the periodontics specialty program at Penn Dental Medicine.


Hometown: Havana, Cuba

Activities: PASS representative for HSDA Club; Community Oral Health Honors program a Puentes de Salud; Admission Ambassador

What was a highlight of your Penn Dental Medicine experience? One of the highlights of being at Penn Dental Medicine is the valuable connections created with fellow classmates and faculties. Also, the access to cutting-edge technology available to provide the best care to patients.

What are your plans after graduation? After graduation, I will be practicing as a General Dentist and start enjoying the life I have dreamt of.


Hometown: Reston, VA

Activities: Student leader and advocacy chair for ASDA District 3 (Temple, Pitt, Penn, Maryland, and Howard); Pennsylvania’s Legislative Liaison for ASDA (Student leader/representative for ASDA at PDA meetings regarding policy relating to dentistry and licensure); Secretary for DACS (Dental Anesthesiologist Club for Students); GAPSA (Graduate and Professional Student Association) Executive Vice President (EVP), overseeing the executive body of GAPSA which allowed for:

  • Administration of over $40,000 in student grants (PGLA Grants) for travel for all Penn graduate students to conferences around the world.
  • Serving as a representative of the University for IVY+ events, meeting with student leaders from all other Ivys + UChicago, MIT, Duke, and Stanford to discuss strategies and improvements to students quality of life as part of our respective universities.
  • Undertaking efforts in collaboration with peer institutions and the National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) to identify the impact of legislative Bill H.R. 6585 on various schools. A strategy was developed to prevent students from institutions with large endowments, such as Curtis, Juilliard, and Mayo, from being unfairly restricted from accessing federal student loans. This initiative aimed to safeguard access to these prestigious programs for students facing financial barriers.
  • Utilizing discretionary funds to provide essential oral healthcare products to students at open house events, pop-up food pantry events, and other social outreach programs. Efforts included also sharing what treatment at PDM looks like and how to access dental care through the university, regardless of their insurance coverage since PhD have a different dental experience compared to Master’s programs and other professional degrees.
  • Providing free legal services to graduate students from all disciplines utilizing funds from my EVP budget and partnering with the law school was another highlight of my experience as I was able to first-handedly make an impact on my peers lives.
  • Being a student representative at University Council meetings, Trustee Steering committee meetings, and Trustee Committee meetings.

What was a highlight of your Penn Dental Medicine experience? One of the highlights of Penn Dental Medicine compared to other programs is the centralization that is our University City campus. Having all schools on one campus made for an incredibly interdisciplinary experience during my time at Penn Dental Medicine. Being able to work at a biopharma consulting firm via Wharton, work with the law school and UA to promote free legal services, and walk down to Perry World House to see my former president (Lech Walesa) give a speech all after sprinting from clinic are memories that I will hold dear. This is something that I can only see happening at a place like Penn Dental Medicine. Penn Dental Medicine is a place for individuals who want to soak the most out of their dental school experience and truly be a part of an amazing educational institution. This institution has the capabilities of bringing together some of the smartest people I have ever met and I was always proud to hear about Penn Dental Medicine’s work in collaboration with the engineering, law, and veterinarian programs while serving as EVP for GAPSA.

What are your plans after graduation? I will be going to The Ohio State University’s General Practice Residency Program following graduation.


Hometown: Whitehall, Pennsylvania

Activities: President of ASDA at Penn for 2023-2024 ;Treasurer of ASDA at Penn for 2022-2023; Community health honors – Homeless health initiative; Event Coordinator at Penntorship 2022-2023; Mentor at Penntorship 2022-2023

What was a highlight of your Penn Dental Medicine experience? One of the most significant highlights of my experience at Penn Dental Medicine was attending dental school alongside my two sisters Mira-Belle and Anna-Maria. It was a unique opportunity to share this journey with them, and I’m excited for our future in dentistry. Learning from experienced faculty, attending conferences with friends, and forming lifelong bonds were invaluable aspects of my time at Penn Dental Medicine.

What are your plans after graduation? After graduation, my plan is to join a private practice near my hometown, where I’ll be practicing as a general dentist. It’s an exciting opportunity to apply everything I’ve learned and start making a difference in patients’ lives. Looking ahead, my sisters and I envision establishing a family practice together, pooling our expertise and passion to provide comprehensive dental care to our community. It’s a dream we’re eager to turn into reality, building on the foundation of our shared education and dedication to serve others.


Hometown: Barbados

Activities: Community Oral Health Honors; Admissions Representative of the Student National Dental Association (2021-2023)

What was a highlight of your Penn Dental Medicine experience? The highlight of my experience has been meeting wonderful colleagues that I am honored to call forever friends.

What are your plans after graduation? I will be entering an Orthodontics residency at Howard University College of Dentistry.


Hometown: Cincinnati, OH

Activities: U.S. Navy Health Professions Scholarship Program, Penn Dental Medicine Military Club (Navy President, Treasurer), Penn Dental Medicine Ergonomics Club (Treasurer)

What was a highlight of your Penn Dental Medicine experience? As a whole, my last month before graduation provided the key memories I will hold on to. Bidding farewell to patients I have been treating for the last two years highlighted the rewarding nature of dentistry and the reason I will continue to grow as a provider (and as a person). The Penn Dental Medicine clinic team – provider, patient, instructor, staff – is unmatched in the value of experiences it can provide.

What are your plans after graduation? I will spend this summer training at the U.S. Navy Officer Development School in Newport, RI before moving to Washington, DC for a one-year General Practice Residency at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. After that, I will begin full-time work as a dentist in the Navy.