Core Courses
The course will provide a summary of the main statistical concepts. Some of the topics will include data displays, summary statistics, probability distributions and expectation, statistical inference procedures for univariate and bivariate data, linear regression models, and analysis of variance.
The course introduces methods to perform systematic reviews and meta-analysis of clinical trials.
The course will provide a review of principal anatomy comprising the stomatognathic system.
The course will provide information about bone biology and metabolism and how it interfaces with the host immune response.
The course will provide information about basic pharmacology and give the students a better understanding of drugs, interpreting complicated drug/medical histories, and understanding drug reactions.
The course includes information given by experts in the basic and/or clinical sciences. The first seven lectures cover the basic biologic aspects of wound healing. These are followed by a series of five lectures discussing wound healing in a more clinical context covering the topics of fracture repair, osseointegration, orthodontics, endodontics, and periodontics.
The course will provide in depth discussion about radiographic interpretation and differential diagnosis of various pathological conditions which show similarities on x-rays.
The courses is to impart a general knowledge of fundamental concepts in principles of professionalism and ethical decision making with emphasis on care-based discussions.
This conference based course will provide an understanding of the sequential management of multidisciplinary cases from a diagnostic and treatment basis. It will involve student presentations from each specialty followed by panel discussion.
Prosthodontics Courses
The art and science of Fixed Prosthodontics is discussed with emphasis on the fundamental biomechanical principles, materials and techniques required to rehabilitate oral function and form with single and multiple unit fixed prostheses at the level of a specialist. Conventional and digital workflow for clinical and laboratory fixed prosthodontic procedures, concepts of occlusion, articulators, esthetics as well as implant-supported fixed prosthesis are also included.
The fundamentals of removable prosthodontics (complete denture and partial removable dental prosthesis) and the concepts of occlusion, articulators as well as implant retained and supported removable prosthesis laboratory steps are discussed.
The course involves clinical case presentations and aims to develop skills in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment planning and maintenance and treatment outcomes assessment of patients with complex prosthodontic needs.
The seminar includes the review, critical evaluation and discussion of prosthodontic classic and current literature with an intent to help participants develop and comprehend an evidence-based approach to oral health care and patient management with a focus on prosthodontic procedures.
A monthly seminar series discussing current literature in the full scope of prosthodontics and relevant sciences.
Clinical rotations in specific specialty clinics will provide clinical experience in diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient care through observation.