FIRE Trial: Wellbeing in the Burning Mouth Patient Population
Principal Investigator: Eugene Ko, DDS
Study Status: Currently enrolling
The FIRE Trial is a collaboration between the School of Dental Medicine and Wharton School of Business which aims to track pain symptoms in real-time over a 12-week period with a smartphone app called Track Your Happiness. By tracking in real-time, pain symptoms are recorded closer to occurrence, which reduces reliance on patient memory, and may help to better characterize pain symptoms.
Participants will be aged 18 years or older, have had a diagnosis of burning mouth syndrome for at least 6 months, and have continuous access to an iPhone. Eligible participants will be asked to attend two study visits (with the option for a virtual second visit), 12 weeks apart. During the study visits, participants will be asked to complete a series of questionnaires relating to pain, sleep, and mental health. Participants will also be asked to download the Track Your Happiness app and respond to prompts from the app for the 12-week duration of the project. Eligible participants would be compensated up to a $100 for completion of the 12-week study period.